Sunday, December 02, 2007

Guidelines for myself

A bit of moralistic preaching now. I figured it has been a long time since I have had a post with that theme. I came across this blog post and for some reason I felt the quotes here touched me more than the usual b.s we are used to reading on coffee mugs. Thought I would share a few with everyone. I read each one carefully and thought how I have always regretted not following each one of these lines. Oh well - better late than never.
  • Don’t only do what is convenient. Learn how to make a deeper commitment and take a more radical responsibility for yourself. Build integrity by exercising the values and ethics which are important to you.
  • Recognize the divine in others through practicing respect and love. Although everyone has their own needs, each are different but equal.
  • During conflict, don’t be limited only to your needs. Step outside yourself to consider the needs of others in a more compassionate manner. This helps manifest a positive solution for all concerned.
  • Eliminate manipulation through demands, threats and passive-aggressive behavior. Only take from others what they are willing to give freely, and accept others for who they are.
  • Let go of ego and practice simply being in each moment. Rather than trying to exert control over circumstances, learn instead how to become present.
  • Healing begins from within. Treat your body well through exercise and a well-balanced diet rich in grains, fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water each day, the rich honey of life.
  • Recognize that everything has a limit; the day, the night, even one’s own energy and time. No matter how great one’s perceived wealth, there always exists an extent to which one may enjoy it. Feel grateful for and humbled by your current unique blessings.
  • Ever catch yourself saying, “I just don’t have time” or “I wish I had time to”? Take responsibility by recognizing that everyone has the same amount of time in each day and ultimately you decide how that time is used. Choose productively and wisely how you wish to dedicate each precious moment.
  • Incorporate a quiet meditative practice into your daily routine. Prolonged meditation sharpens focus and enables you to think well, while awakening new levels of the Divine Self. Recent empirical studies are now recognizing how continued meditation physically enlarges and alters our brain.
  • Take the time to properly honor all the small steps leading up to where you want to be. Don’t miss the beauty of the journey, as each step is equally fulfilling and significant.
  • Experience temporary sensory deprivation. Try fasting, taking an hour long vow of silence, or wearing a blindfold or earplugs for an extended period of time. This will enhance awareness of both body and breath, bring perspective and allow you to develop a deeper appreciation for each sensory organ.
  • Change is inevitable and everything is constantly influx. Use this wisdom to react less to personal inner dramas and focus more on acceptance and being present.
  • Instead of dismissing or burying negative emotion, become aware of fear, worry and discomfort to fully observe and experience it. This helps bring perspective and heightened awareness as you begin to understand the root causes of these emotions.
  • Take action. Don’t feel discouraged if progress feels slow. Just as a toddler learns how to walk one step at a time, it’s taking that baby step which is most crucial.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Happened to "stumble upon" a really cool movie trailer. Produced by J.J. Abrams, the same guy who is the creator of the Lost series, the film is codenamed "Cloverfield" and is yet to be officially named. Currently, it simply goes by the name of 1-18-08. This trailer was debuted in screens all over North America on the premiere night of the Transformers.

Rumors are aplenty on the net and this is rumored to be something similar to the Godzilla (help!) and although the result could be similar, you simply cannot beat the trailer story for generating interest.

Paramount is marketing this single trailer as the only promotion of this movie before they release it. Going with the secrecy theme, the cast was not given the script of the movie while they had auditioned. All that anyone knows about this movie is that its created by Abrams and it has a Godzilla-esque theme.