Man am i angry.
Been hearing a lot of bullcrap over students protesting over reservations in IIMs and IITs..
Now if you have wandered over here wondering whether this is another ranting blog over the stupid reservation system and how the upper castes should have their own reservations instead..BUZZ OFFF!!
My point is this..for all those who are suddenly in a state of uproar over the "proposed" hike in percentage of seats reserved for OBC students in the IIMs and IITs -
"Where the #$%@ were you when these reservations were conducted for professional colleges?!?!"
And some of these so called angry rebels are the losers who have a chance of getting into an IIM/IIT as much chance there is of Mohammad Kaif hitting a century on current form.
Were u dozing in your pathetic rocking chair when similar reservations were announced for the engineering and medical colleges?
When you were affected, you were too busy trying to squirm into the 0.003% of the seats that were left for the open category after the Gujrathi/Kutchi/Sindhi/Malyali/Air Force/Kashmiri/Chemist/Watchman/Dhobi quotas that were drawn.
Why should these reservations be any more important?
No yaar, these are our country's pride..the premier institutions of our country..the last bastion of our education system which has been corrupted by reservations and populist policies.
Hmm.. so its ok for "premier" institutes not to allow people from a backward background to come into their campus while the thousands of universities in the rest of the country struggle with under-qualified professors, undeserving students and churn out substandard graduates so that the IIMS and IITs can be glorified?
This simply stinks of double standard shit and i am sick of it
Firstly, we introduce reservations for the lesser priveleged backward classes in colleges starting from grade 11 right upto final year engineering and medical streams. When the entire system becomes extremely competitive, resulting from millions of aspirants trying to get into their desired college, we do not even raise a squeal of protest.
Depressed students committing suicides..parents worried sick over their child not being able to attend "the good college with the decent people in our neighbourhood only"..but we dont say a word.
Maybe only crib about it in weddings..social circles - "the country is going to the dogs because of this Mandal Commission Report and reservations, i tell you"
But raise a voice against it?
Write letters against it?
Wear black arm bands about it?
Write emails..make petitions about it?
No thank you. We prefer to silently suffer, accept all this as government policy, at the most protest in the most mediocre way possible by giving your vote to the more forward looking party of the two.
Now, when the time comes to announce a proposal for increasing reservations for the countrys premier institutes....noooo how can they do this!!
This is absolutely outrageous...50% seats reserved!!!
Brotha, this doesnt matter about 50% or not.
You accepted reservations meted out to you like a lamb when you were in the same situation.You not only accepted it, you got admission through this hypocritical process, completed your education,forgot about raising the issue for others and are concerned about this reservation since it might concern you.
But when the same case is repeated for the hyped institutes where u barely have a chance of getting in, nooo..u will go ballistic..."this is downright unfairrr!!!"
Either accept the reservation system uniformly or do away with it altogether..
And try not to ignore the broader system
Wonder when i will hear about the administration and people, both more concerned about the millions of unlucky souls suffering in hell-holes called professional colleges than a batch of around six hundred people getting paypackets of 50 lakh rupees per year.