Man am i angry.
Been hearing a lot of bullcrap over students protesting over reservations in IIMs and IITs..
Now if you have wandered over here wondering whether this is another ranting blog over the stupid reservation system and how the upper castes should have their own reservations instead..BUZZ OFFF!!
My point is this..for all those who are suddenly in a state of uproar over the "proposed" hike in percentage of seats reserved for OBC students in the IIMs and IITs -
"Where the #$%@ were you when these reservations were conducted for professional colleges?!?!"
And some of these so called angry rebels are the losers who have a chance of getting into an IIM/IIT as much chance there is of Mohammad Kaif hitting a century on current form.
Were u dozing in your pathetic rocking chair when similar reservations were announced for the engineering and medical colleges?
When you were affected, you were too busy trying to squirm into the 0.003% of the seats that were left for the open category after the Gujrathi/Kutchi/Sindhi/Malyali/Air Force/Kashmiri/Chemist/Watchman/Dhobi quotas that were drawn.
Why should these reservations be any more important?
No yaar, these are our country's pride..the premier institutions of our country..the last bastion of our education system which has been corrupted by reservations and populist policies.
Hmm.. so its ok for "premier" institutes not to allow people from a backward background to come into their campus while the thousands of universities in the rest of the country struggle with under-qualified professors, undeserving students and churn out substandard graduates so that the IIMS and IITs can be glorified?
This simply stinks of double standard shit and i am sick of it
Firstly, we introduce reservations for the lesser priveleged backward classes in colleges starting from grade 11 right upto final year engineering and medical streams. When the entire system becomes extremely competitive, resulting from millions of aspirants trying to get into their desired college, we do not even raise a squeal of protest.
Depressed students committing suicides..parents worried sick over their child not being able to attend "the good college with the decent people in our neighbourhood only"..but we dont say a word.
Maybe only crib about it in weddings..social circles - "the country is going to the dogs because of this Mandal Commission Report and reservations, i tell you"
But raise a voice against it?
Write letters against it?
Wear black arm bands about it?
Write emails..make petitions about it?
No thank you. We prefer to silently suffer, accept all this as government policy, at the most protest in the most mediocre way possible by giving your vote to the more forward looking party of the two.
Now, when the time comes to announce a proposal for increasing reservations for the countrys premier institutes....noooo how can they do this!!
This is absolutely outrageous...50% seats reserved!!!
Brotha, this doesnt matter about 50% or not.
You accepted reservations meted out to you like a lamb when you were in the same situation.You not only accepted it, you got admission through this hypocritical process, completed your education,forgot about raising the issue for others and are concerned about this reservation since it might concern you.
But when the same case is repeated for the hyped institutes where u barely have a chance of getting in, nooo..u will go ballistic..."this is downright unfairrr!!!"
Either accept the reservation system uniformly or do away with it altogether..
And try not to ignore the broader system
Wonder when i will hear about the administration and people, both more concerned about the millions of unlucky souls suffering in hell-holes called professional colleges than a batch of around six hundred people getting paypackets of 50 lakh rupees per year.
Why are you surprised at this... not everyone is a person of the best of principles...
Here the protest happened to take place because the reservatios went upto 50%... now i dont mean that they should be accepted at lower levels....
a common man... may be that includes us too... is ok with struggle...it is only when the limits(no one knows abt tehm untill they are crossed) are crossed that the strength in him comes forward.... such a display of strength may not look justified and appear more hypocritic instead...
i feel the reason for this is that not every one is a great person...
and i think this is the way it is always going to be...
and i am sure you understand that here no one is ok with the fact that engg. or medical have reservations.... so its not abt premier institutes only and not abt engg and med.... IIT to engg naa..
its about reservations... that all this is happening at a time when the premier institues are involved does not mean that people are up to just protect them... somehow right now people are revolting...may be this revolt will die off may be not.... but what remains true for me is that... every now and then u are going to see people adjusting and revolting... i cant explain why they do so... i just take it as a theory...
well i think reservations for HSC r quite justified....everyone deserves an equal chance at minimum education.....but the reservations in engg r totally unfair......and now this IIM/IIT fiasco is totally outrageous....
The sad thing is people think it is ok for minimum education to be filled up with reservation seat candidates while premier institutes should be left untouched.
This means we do not elevate these IIM/IIT institutes but degrade the others ones.
And why does that spark of revolt have to come when a potential fraction of students are likely to be affected?
Why couldnt it have come when about the majority of students in the state were affected, during the 12th admissions..never heard of no protest marches, petitions etc that time..
and why? - coz its ok..its the minimum education(though its not, minimum education is classified as primary or at the most secondary SCHOOL education, leave alone professional colleges) and that this proposal was in place BEFORE we heard about it, thats all
And this is not even about someone who isnt the least bit interested in an MBA or Mtech from an IIM or an IIT.
He is equally likely to being thevictim of such policies as are students who are going for MBAs or Mtechs later on..
So its just a question of are we ready to accept reservations at the grassroots level, thereby elevating IIMs to a higher standard of candidates?
u hav raised very interesting point shashank...
Ppl in our country have always lived under some form of discriminatory policies and institute specific reservation policy is just another form of discriminatory method...and as u say we have a the choice of raising an agitaion..but the problem is a lot more complex than you think it is...
if you take the case of colleges under mumbai university though they are pvt colleges there are certain restrictions that are imposed on the way they function...its the compromise they make for being pvt colleges..
Now for a pvt college to be an independent unviversity requires satisfying a lot of conditions...and very few cols(vjti for eg) satisfy these conditions...
So pvt cols are pvt just for namesake...in reality govt/administration always exercise some form of control over them..
Its only when these colleges are given independence to function as they wish(of course bounded by certain rules and guidelines) will they be able to churn out quality graduates..and thus satisfy the needs of students who take admissions there...
You ask a very good question as to why everyone is only concerned about the 600 odd students earning in lakhs rupees , while a far larger number is being served such sub standard education ??
Might sound a bit too impractical , but why should there be reservations on the basis of peoples religion and their mother tongue ?
If at all , reserved seats should be made available only to individuals below the poverty line , who really don't have an access to quality education.
The problem though lies in the fact that like me , the rest of the nation too is full of hypocrites.We choose to "Take the path of least resistance" as my very good friends keep repeating everytime.We might criticise the recent judgements of the politicians but when we have the chance to get into a good institution helped by that OBC/SC/ST/Migrant certificate of ours, we'll jump at it , rightaway.
The ones who are unlucky enough to be on the wrong side of the decision will keep cribbing , while the ones who can make avail of these farcical decisions will make merry , in spite of knowing that they are in the wrong.
Another flaw in the usual argument as to "reservations should be made on the basis of economic situation" is utterly impossible.
When a large chunk of Indian economy is in black money with millions of people living off taxpayers money, it is a monumental task just to pinpoint the economic condition of each and every individual seeking admission.
Caste certificates, creamly layer certificates, Ration cards, passports, Tax returns - everything in this country can be forged.
The I.T department is having its hands full nabbing crooks who dont pay tax.
The overburdened universities,(not just Mumbai Univ) with so many new students enrolling for hundreds of courses every year, can hardly spare time to conduct these checks.
Anybody ever wonder what percentage of the population falls under the 'upper' caste and how much of it is under the 'lower' castes? Ever wonder how many centuries of oppression they suffered, wondering what their fault was. Any idea of their contribution to society and the cost/renumeration they were paid?
Don't you think its unfair to expect centuries of injustice to be corrected by a 3-4 decades of some concessions while studying?
I agree with the policy of reservation. Though it needs to be overhauled in a lot of areas, it still is a good tool with which to build a more coherent society. We have had presidents,prime-ministers, scientists,writers lead and take our country forward just because they were given a break at some point in their lives.
Of course, its a big disadvantage to a lot of people. "Deserving people", you might add. But maybe they got to this 'deserving' position simply because they had more opportunities all their lives.
I feel that we've all had to pay the price. But if what we're buying a stronger, more unified future, then its well worth the cost.
Just my 0.002c
You know what?
You might feel bad after knowing that I am another one of those 'esteemed institute' mother fuckers of the general category. But frankly speaking, I dont give a fuck to whats happening. Let it go on the way it has to and fucking go about your business man. I seriously believe that people who are raising a hue and cry for all this shit are utterly jobless and since an empty vessel makes the maximum noise, you cant help but listen to noise in melodic music while doing some work.
I got innumerable messages saying..."We are organising a rebellion against the system, please support us being from the so fucking called 'the esteemed general category' it seems."
2. We are going to fast in front of the megamess till we die until some decision is taken regarding this reservation
My replies to both were, go on do whatever you want but dont put me into this shithole. As such I am in one, being in IIT! If you wanna fast...then FAST! I dont fucking care. I want my food and I will stay back because I have much more important things in mind rather than being a part of your protest.
Can call me selfish and if thats the case, hell yeah I am.
Son, she said, have I got a little story for you
What you thought was your daddy was nothin’ but a...
While you were sittin’ home alone at age thirteen
Your real daddy was dyin’, sorry you didn’t see him, but I’m glad we talked...
Oh i, oh, I’m still alive.
Credits to Pearl Jam. All you freaking protestors, learn from that.
No one .. And absolutely no one can deny the fact that the poorer sections of the society deserve a better chance towards life .. And not the way they have been living all these years.
The only way they can be provided this is through RESERVATIONS.
Starting right from the grassroots level to the higher stages..
Just because people forge signatures, produce fake certificates etc , doesnt mean that we STOP giving them those opportunities. Just because things don't go the way they should , doesn't mean we stop doing the right things.
abaddon and cradpoodle....
Hundred years of injustice...?? must have been more... 1000 or may be 10000... these figures dont stand for anything...
the earlier injustice deprived certain people of better things in life....
now came a time when reservations came in for the first time....
this ensure the last person in the injustice line was given opportunity.... he got the opportunity cause he had not got it earlier... not because his great great great grandfather or grandmother had to face injustice in thier times...
3 generations down the line everyone in India had equal opportunities... certain people (upper caste) didnt have equal opportunity...
let all this be looked at as a sacrifice by a fellow countryman for another so that any shortcoming in people be removed....
i say keep making provisions for getting everyone on a single level.... but first atleast take the effort to analyze wat is causing the divide... if someone is poor doesnt mean its because he is not been given reserved seats in educational institutes and that give him reservations and everything will be solved....
address all factors contributing to the people being underdeveloped this would include...availabilty of proper schooling in all places... vocational training for people so that they are able to earn on thier own... now u dont require reservations here... in a villaeg where there are 20 children of age 6 if there is a school to admit them...there wnt be a prob of reserving anything
later on in life everyone will be more or less equal if not totally equal to compete freely...
theres nothing great in protesting for a cause and thers nothing great in being selfish....
sorry for sounding a bit abnormal(read philosophical) but
theres no logic in saying that u are doing some job and people shouting are jobless.... at the end u are going to be as dead as those people....
and to put it in ur way...
if the important things that these people have in mind are not really important and that they are jobless then hell yeah.. they are...
well i still maintain my position.. whatever be the damage to the fragile egos of "seemingly intelligent assholes" - the government is attacking the wrong end of the ladder. Though it might be a bit cliched, i dont care. If you have no fucking improvement in primary education, you have shit. So reservation or no reservation the problem is gonna remain. Just that it is gonna artificially boost some more egos.
Big shit
Oho! Netneo, you has gone and opened one big can of worms!
I see villagers with torches n pitchforks making their way to your house! :-/
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