A funny thing just occurred to me.
Ever since I have been in the US, all the sappy Karan Johar-Yash Chopra-Subhash Ghai movies about the "vides" and the "pardes" and how our des is the best with typical over the top jingoism suddenly start making a teeny weeny bit of sense!
I know!
This isn't the thing you would associate with me (umm thats if you know me firstly) but it seems to be the most common phenomenon observed amongst students or expatriates who leave their own country for certain reasons, only to realize the value of a certain things they used to take for granted. Each and every person whom I know has travelled to the US in the recent past cries the same old sob story. Note the common theme amongst all Indian student conversations in the US.
Student 1: Yaar..bore ho gaya..kya socha tha..US mein aake we would be chilling out all the time, partying, studying, earning and enjoying the good life..and kya mila.
Student 2: Totally! Only the studying part turned out to be true..the rest was just hogwash..and what about the food..man i miss that..eating these cold sub sandwiches and pizzas have rendered my tastebuds impotent.
Student 1: I miss the misal paav at _____(insert the college canteen of your respective college) yaar..bunking lectures, going for movies, trying to patao chicks, general lukkhagiri.
Student 2: Not to mention the spicy hot oversize vada-pav at ___(although the word oversize is a clear give-away for this noted establishment, insert whichever stall comes to your mind!) with extra hot chutney with a hint of tamarind chutney.
Student 1: Hmm.. yeah..but more importantly, I miss my friends, my family my building people and the usual gang yaar.
Student 2: ...washing it down with a tumbler full of mango lassi...ummm..yeahhhh!
Student 1: Are you even listening to me?
Student 2: How about the atomic hot pani puri at the roadside chat stall..one gulp of that tasty piece of heaven and KOWABUNGAAAA...you are OUTTTTA HERE!
Student 1: OK dude...seeya later!
Student 2: Wait! Have you ever been to the place where they sell those reshmi kababs for a dirt cheap price..
Alright. That conversation might have drifted somewhere else altogether primarily because I manifested myself as Student 2.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing can beat Mumbai lifestyle for the sheer convenience it offers in certain aspects.
You want your clothes ironed?
- Call the neighbourhood dhobi and he is there in a flash.
You want your tubelight fixed?
- Call the electrician and he is there before you hang up the phone.
You are craving for a pack of Maggi?
- Call the kirana stores downstairs and he will hand over that heavenly food to you before putting the amount on your monthly "khaata".
Movies, theatre, food, shopping, drives - you name it and options start appearing right in front of your eyes.
You realize the value of smaller things in your own land only when you leave it - be it the convenience of friends getting together (just a call away) or the joy in meeting your grandparents (in your vacations) or the happiness in arguing with your mom and dad over trivial things.
Now when I think about these things, I realize that there are some aspects of life that can be never captured in movies. And it isn't Bollywood to blame. No movie or book (or even this blog, for that matter) can ever capture the true sentiments of a non resident. It isnt just the cliched "maa ke haath ka gajar halwa or the naani ke haath ka aam achaar" that the hero misses about India. Well of course, those too, but the things you miss the most can never be penned down or shown in a movie. Simply because they are not just one concrete emotion. Ask any homesick Indian who hasn't been to India for a long time on how he feels. You will always get a sheepish smile which says it all - "How do you think I feel?"
Friday, November 24, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Funny Facts
i am still recovering...
This site has got to be the funniest shit i have seen in years..
Its got these quotes about how macho a certain character is(in this case the star of the hit AXN show "24"- Jack Bauer played by Kiefer Sutherland)
They are over-the-top..nonsense and completely exaggerated but mann....they made me roll on the floor laughing..howling...read it at your own risk..
Whether or not u know these stars is irrespective...just enjoy the exaggeration. This really is some crazy shit!
P.S there are similar ones about Vin Diesel and Chuck Norris too
But Jack Bauer takes the cake!
i am still recovering...
This site has got to be the funniest shit i have seen in years..
Its got these quotes about how macho a certain character is(in this case the star of the hit AXN show "24"- Jack Bauer played by Kiefer Sutherland)
They are over-the-top..nonsense and completely exaggerated but mann....they made me roll on the floor laughing..howling...read it at your own risk..
Whether or not u know these stars is irrespective...just enjoy the exaggeration. This really is some crazy shit!
P.S there are similar ones about Vin Diesel and Chuck Norris too
But Jack Bauer takes the cake!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I am seething with anger as i write this. Mainly due to a feeling of deja-vu that i experienced when i switched on the telly today morning. As you all must be aware, workers from a certain party have gone ballistic in their form of protest for the desecration of a statue of their mother figure and the entire city is witness ONCE AGAIN to this form of modern day hooliganism and outright breach of human liberties.
Why do we always fall prey to such tactics? How many times have we seen scenes like the ones flashing across the tv today? Come to think of it, looking at the party's track record and penchant for indulging in such incidents it is mighty surprising that they waited so long since the infamous Valentine Day bashing up of innocent teenagers to revert back to their old ways!
When i think of such people i am reminded of an idea expressed in Michael Crichton's book State of Fear. He says that governments,dictators or any form of leadership the world over share one common policy - to constantly provide the society with a reason to be afraid of something. This idea is called the STATE OF FEAR. When the people are held in such a position, they are seldom likely to notice more important or larger issues of administration. Issues, which although the government ought to be looking into, are however no longer in their control. Hence the need to divert people's attention from them using ever changing producers of fear. Although these reasons keep changing the world over as time goes by, they serve the same purpose for the people in power - to keep the people in check,to keep them from venting their anger at the apathy surrounding them. This single common feature could be the most successful method of establishing authority through government policy across every nation in the world.
The author describes the constant threat of GLOBAL WARMING (and in my opinion, a very non-existent threat) used by governments against corporations.(read the book)
General Musharraf and all Pakistani leaders before him used Kashmir as a reason to stir up people's emotions to distract them from the real issues affecting Pakistan.
And over here, our beloved parties do the same thing over and over again in the name of relgion,casteism and communalism.
Its a deadly combo-a sureshot winner. In an adolescent democracy like ours where the media themselves have hardly any clue as to how to play the watchdog, such policies are extremely effective in baiting their innocent and unsuspecting targets.
Why couldnt a single leader give a statement on TV saying that although an extremely despicable act has been committed, disrupting the lives of millions and creating a general sense of panic serves no purpose. But no, they wouldnt dare do that..the numerous votebanks across the city would be lost in a single blow. What does that say about us,the people, then?
The duration of public anger in Mumbai has to go down in history as the shortest period in time measurement, possibly even shorter than the oscillation of a Caesium crystal!
Why didnt all of us enquire as to what happened to those poor people bashed up by these thugs on the 14th of February this year? Did the young man deserve to get a cut across his face for giving a greeting card to his friend? Did the girl deserve to be manhandled by the morons who in the name of Indian Sanskriti destroyed the property in the house while the much more rowdy festival of Holi was allowed without any problems? Maybe because they were entertaining themselves in dance bars on that night and every other night.
The Marathi Manoos no longer needs these goondas. In the name of fighting for the Marathi honour they have risen to power and made a mockery out of the political system. In no other country can a leader get away with a statement such as "Haan abhi iss insult ka reaction to dena hi padega".
The poor become poorer. The snooty rich stay away from the polls. And hooligans continue to rule the city.
Why do we always fall prey to such tactics? How many times have we seen scenes like the ones flashing across the tv today? Come to think of it, looking at the party's track record and penchant for indulging in such incidents it is mighty surprising that they waited so long since the infamous Valentine Day bashing up of innocent teenagers to revert back to their old ways!
When i think of such people i am reminded of an idea expressed in Michael Crichton's book State of Fear. He says that governments,dictators or any form of leadership the world over share one common policy - to constantly provide the society with a reason to be afraid of something. This idea is called the STATE OF FEAR. When the people are held in such a position, they are seldom likely to notice more important or larger issues of administration. Issues, which although the government ought to be looking into, are however no longer in their control. Hence the need to divert people's attention from them using ever changing producers of fear. Although these reasons keep changing the world over as time goes by, they serve the same purpose for the people in power - to keep the people in check,to keep them from venting their anger at the apathy surrounding them. This single common feature could be the most successful method of establishing authority through government policy across every nation in the world.
The author describes the constant threat of GLOBAL WARMING (and in my opinion, a very non-existent threat) used by governments against corporations.(read the book)
General Musharraf and all Pakistani leaders before him used Kashmir as a reason to stir up people's emotions to distract them from the real issues affecting Pakistan.
And over here, our beloved parties do the same thing over and over again in the name of relgion,casteism and communalism.
Its a deadly combo-a sureshot winner. In an adolescent democracy like ours where the media themselves have hardly any clue as to how to play the watchdog, such policies are extremely effective in baiting their innocent and unsuspecting targets.
Why couldnt a single leader give a statement on TV saying that although an extremely despicable act has been committed, disrupting the lives of millions and creating a general sense of panic serves no purpose. But no, they wouldnt dare do that..the numerous votebanks across the city would be lost in a single blow. What does that say about us,the people, then?
The duration of public anger in Mumbai has to go down in history as the shortest period in time measurement, possibly even shorter than the oscillation of a Caesium crystal!
Why didnt all of us enquire as to what happened to those poor people bashed up by these thugs on the 14th of February this year? Did the young man deserve to get a cut across his face for giving a greeting card to his friend? Did the girl deserve to be manhandled by the morons who in the name of Indian Sanskriti destroyed the property in the house while the much more rowdy festival of Holi was allowed without any problems? Maybe because they were entertaining themselves in dance bars on that night and every other night.
The Marathi Manoos no longer needs these goondas. In the name of fighting for the Marathi honour they have risen to power and made a mockery out of the political system. In no other country can a leader get away with a statement such as "Haan abhi iss insult ka reaction to dena hi padega".
The poor become poorer. The snooty rich stay away from the polls. And hooligans continue to rule the city.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I have the Visa power!
Howdy everyone! Got my visa day before yesterday..yippee.. the appointment was as follows
23rd June
Mumbai Consulate
Time 9 30 am
I reached at around 8 45 at the embassy directly( hadnt taken the VFS lounge option) and saw people from 9 am appointments getting in line. I stood around in the back for a few minutes after which the line for 9 30 was called. I was so relaxed on the earlier day and even today morning but somehow the whole atmosphere at the embassy is so charged up and intimidating that you can bet your last buck even "Ice Man Steve Waugh" will get a bit zonked out!
So anyway, i waited in line for about 15 minutes, the time was 9 20..took out my i-20, sevis, passport and hdfc receipt and waited some more.
Finally i was called inside for security check. I had left my wallet,watch etc with Dad so no probs there.. i was given the wooden stick which i took in the inner hall. Inside the scene was that of total commotion, gujrati announcements and usual anxious faces, serious discussions..however i turned left and joined the line to get the pink token.
Here the person stapled my passport with the token quite horribly,handed me the processed DS forms and asked me to proceed to fingerprinting, right ahead. I was so friggin tense that my hands were sweating and the lady out there had to wipe them 4 times with some sorta spirit to finally get a reading on the electronic screen.
The scenario was like that of a bank. So many people bumbling about that it was kinda funny and relaxing too! Then i took a seat in the waiting area(it is advisable to take a front row seat) in front of the counters and waited for my turn. Contrary to everyone's experience, i could easily make out the announcements being made for the applicants as to which applicant no is called to which counter.
At about 9 45 my number was called alongwith a couple of others to counter no 6 occupied by a pleasant young lady. She must be hardly 30.
So i step inside
I went in and suddenly all fear, anxiety and stress vanished away. The booth is sound proof and the quiet atmosphere somewhat chills you down.
VO:Hi! Good Morning! How are you?
Me:Good Morning! I am fine thank you(Big smile!)
VO:Ok, so why did you choose Indiana University at Bloomington
Me: M'am coz its CS department is highly ranked and has one of the best labs when it comes to research in Distributed Systems, which is my interest.
VO:Ok. Good. So why CS?
ME:(D-uh, if im interested in Distributed,what else would i take? Civil?)
So i explain the whole interest in the subject all over again
VO:Ok. (with a smile)But you really dont have to stoop and talk in the mike, i can hear you perfectly well!
Me: (in my nervousness and stupidity, i stoop down again to say) Oh, sorry M'am!(with an equally sheepish grin!)
VO: (Laughing) ok so do you have any brothers or sisters?
Me: Yes. I have one brother who is doing his Masters in the US
VO:Show me your i-20
Me:Here it is(Hands over the i-20 lying in my hand...folder still closed)
VO:So how are your parents going to afford your 29k$ mentioned in the i-20 AND your brothers education as well?
Me: Well they have saved up for both our education and have enough assets to pay for our education. Should i show my liquid assets summary statement?
VO: No, no need
Me:OK (Phew!..Visa power..here i come..though somewhat regretting the effort wasted in arranging the file!)
VO:So what do your parents do?
Me:My Dad is a General Manager etc etc and my Mom is a professor of English Literature
VO:(Completely baited..i just reel her in) Wow! thats great...english lit huh..(prolly wishing she could discuss Chaucer with her)..cool
VO:Ok im issuing your visa. Passport will be couriered in a few days. Thank you!
Me: Thank you! (mwaaah meri jaan..life banaa di)
Grinning proudly, i step out..10 15 am..the mere mortals in the waiting room look at the absence of passport in my hand and realize i have been granted the visa. They clap, they cheer, they do a standing ovation and the girls come out and we all discoed till the evening!
LOL sorry couldnt help the end
Well finally the journey which started from last july when i started my GRE prep has finally come to an end. All that remains is what i do witht he chance i have been given. An intimidating thought but still a path i am really looking forward towards!
23rd June
Mumbai Consulate
Time 9 30 am
I reached at around 8 45 at the embassy directly( hadnt taken the VFS lounge option) and saw people from 9 am appointments getting in line. I stood around in the back for a few minutes after which the line for 9 30 was called. I was so relaxed on the earlier day and even today morning but somehow the whole atmosphere at the embassy is so charged up and intimidating that you can bet your last buck even "Ice Man Steve Waugh" will get a bit zonked out!
So anyway, i waited in line for about 15 minutes, the time was 9 20..took out my i-20, sevis, passport and hdfc receipt and waited some more.
Finally i was called inside for security check. I had left my wallet,watch etc with Dad so no probs there.. i was given the wooden stick which i took in the inner hall. Inside the scene was that of total commotion, gujrati announcements and usual anxious faces, serious discussions..however i turned left and joined the line to get the pink token.
Here the person stapled my passport with the token quite horribly,handed me the processed DS forms and asked me to proceed to fingerprinting, right ahead. I was so friggin tense that my hands were sweating and the lady out there had to wipe them 4 times with some sorta spirit to finally get a reading on the electronic screen.
The scenario was like that of a bank. So many people bumbling about that it was kinda funny and relaxing too! Then i took a seat in the waiting area(it is advisable to take a front row seat) in front of the counters and waited for my turn. Contrary to everyone's experience, i could easily make out the announcements being made for the applicants as to which applicant no is called to which counter.
At about 9 45 my number was called alongwith a couple of others to counter no 6 occupied by a pleasant young lady. She must be hardly 30.
So i step inside
I went in and suddenly all fear, anxiety and stress vanished away. The booth is sound proof and the quiet atmosphere somewhat chills you down.
VO:Hi! Good Morning! How are you?
Me:Good Morning! I am fine thank you(Big smile!)
VO:Ok, so why did you choose Indiana University at Bloomington
Me: M'am coz its CS department is highly ranked and has one of the best labs when it comes to research in Distributed Systems, which is my interest.
VO:Ok. Good. So why CS?
ME:(D-uh, if im interested in Distributed,what else would i take? Civil?)
So i explain the whole interest in the subject all over again
VO:Ok. (with a smile)But you really dont have to stoop and talk in the mike, i can hear you perfectly well!
Me: (in my nervousness and stupidity, i stoop down again to say) Oh, sorry M'am!(with an equally sheepish grin!)
VO: (Laughing) ok so do you have any brothers or sisters?
Me: Yes. I have one brother who is doing his Masters in the US
VO:Show me your i-20
Me:Here it is(Hands over the i-20 lying in my hand...folder still closed)
VO:So how are your parents going to afford your 29k$ mentioned in the i-20 AND your brothers education as well?
Me: Well they have saved up for both our education and have enough assets to pay for our education. Should i show my liquid assets summary statement?
VO: No, no need
Me:OK (Phew!..Visa power..here i come..though somewhat regretting the effort wasted in arranging the file!)
VO:So what do your parents do?
Me:My Dad is a General Manager etc etc and my Mom is a professor of English Literature
VO:(Completely baited..i just reel her in) Wow! thats great...english lit huh..(prolly wishing she could discuss Chaucer with her)..cool
VO:Ok im issuing your visa. Passport will be couriered in a few days. Thank you!
Me: Thank you! (mwaaah meri jaan..life banaa di)
Grinning proudly, i step out..10 15 am..the mere mortals in the waiting room look at the absence of passport in my hand and realize i have been granted the visa. They clap, they cheer, they do a standing ovation and the girls come out and we all discoed till the evening!
LOL sorry couldnt help the end
Well finally the journey which started from last july when i started my GRE prep has finally come to an end. All that remains is what i do witht he chance i have been given. An intimidating thought but still a path i am really looking forward towards!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Here is the speech i gave yesterday in the auditorium of our college for the BE farewell
Hi everyone! Good morning and welcome to all who have gathered here today!
I’ll try my best to avoid the “Papa Kehte speeches of koi engineer ka kaam karega, business mein koi apna naam karega”
Its kind of funny that we have got to bid farewell to this college today only to come back in a few days to give our vivas and 8th sem exams. But then I guess we have to make do with what we have, and I’m happy that I got a chance to speak to all my friends from college on this occasion
I think that a farewell speech is probably the ONLY speech where students actually listen to the speaker (well I am hoping at least that is the case right now!)
Now that I have your undivided attention, let me share a few experiences I had during the past 4 years of my life in K.J Somaiya Engineering.
It was a scary feeling when all of us got in this college through the admission rounds at VJTI. When I came out of the inner hall with the confirmation slip in my hand I hardly knew anything about the college. It was chosen only for its proximity to my place. And what a decision it was – in return for an engineering seat in an unknown college I got back innumerable friends and loads of good times.
First Year Engineering must be THE most memorable year for any of the students out here. I think all of us would agree that the Symphony during our First Year –when Parikrama had been here - was the best one we had. The best part about FE was that the college management had not divided the students according to branches. This gave us a chance to interact with people from all the branches for one whole year. This helped a lot by keeping us acquainted, even when we were separated from the second year onwards. I can remember it clearly - FE classes in the old workshop building with temperatures reaching boiling point, all students fresh HSC graduates- absolutely clueless about what engineering is going to be like and the best part was - no screams of BE COMPS BE MECH or any form of branch rivalry. We all were the same and we all became close buddies.
From Second year onwards we all got into the mould of our respective branches. Personally, I got a taste of what Computer Engineering is like. I don’t know about you guys, but I had NO clue what Computer Engineering was about when I took admission. My knowledge of hardware was restricted upto which cd-writer was the cheapest and that of software was whether the latest computer game has cheat codes or not. It was a bit tough initially. The only difference we could make out then was that instead of writing assignments about Trusses and Kirchoff’s Law, we were writing even lengthier ones about stacks and queues. On one occasion, I recall we had even written a 40 page assignment and the total submission file size had exceeded more than 200 pages! But, as we all started learning, I realized it wasn’t such a bad deal after all. The fundamentals that were taught to us then helped a lot for courses in the next year.
The Third year got us firmly entrenched in the grind. The most significant memory was the House Cup that was started by the earlier council. It was an amazing event and really helped in building the inter branch-rivalry. Most of our college placements took soon after third year and lot of people got into good companies.
The Final Year has been an altogether different engineering degree by itself. Working on the BE Project, maintaining 75% attendance, completing journals, appearing for vivas, giving other competitive exams and the actual semester exam required the skill of a professional. However, all said and done, at the end of it, all of us have come through stronger. It has been the most eventful year of out engineering. The people who were unlucky earlier have got placed. We have geniuses who got calls from the IIMs, those applying for Masters degrees abroad have got admits from superb universities.
I think all of us can be sure of becoming fabulous managers after going through the past 4 years. We might not have sharpened our technical skills yet, but we definitely come up champions in time management. I think we can safely claim that engineers are the absolute masters of handling stress and work overload. If not in our technical aptitude as compared to the IITs, we can easily beat them in task execution capabilities! Now whether these qualities are inculcated in us by educational institutes intentionally or not is a different issue altogether!
It is a funny system – submission files over which you have toiled hard every semester getting holes punched right through them as soon as you give them, revaluation results declaring you have passed sometimes coming after you have given the KT exam. I don’t know whether it is BECAUSE of the system or INSPITE of the system, but the reality is that each and every one of us today has a bright future lined up for us. And it is after all due to our own - K.J Somaiya College of Engineering. I am indeed grateful to every person here involved in the process of making us into engineers. However, lets face it. Life begins on the day we step out, graduating from this college. What we had till now was a protected environment. Our biggest nightmare till now was something like not getting our certification in time. Now, bigger challenges lie ahead in life. But because of the last 4 years, this time, we know one thing for sure - we can handle anything that comes our way. Thank you very much.
I am really glad i got this chance to express my views yesterday. It was a wonderful farewell with all the final year engineering students venting out their frustrations at the system yet rekindling fond memories. I will always remember these 4 years throughout my life. am sure same is the case with everyone who was with me in college.
Hi everyone! Good morning and welcome to all who have gathered here today!
I’ll try my best to avoid the “Papa Kehte speeches of koi engineer ka kaam karega, business mein koi apna naam karega”
Its kind of funny that we have got to bid farewell to this college today only to come back in a few days to give our vivas and 8th sem exams. But then I guess we have to make do with what we have, and I’m happy that I got a chance to speak to all my friends from college on this occasion
I think that a farewell speech is probably the ONLY speech where students actually listen to the speaker (well I am hoping at least that is the case right now!)
Now that I have your undivided attention, let me share a few experiences I had during the past 4 years of my life in K.J Somaiya Engineering.
It was a scary feeling when all of us got in this college through the admission rounds at VJTI. When I came out of the inner hall with the confirmation slip in my hand I hardly knew anything about the college. It was chosen only for its proximity to my place. And what a decision it was – in return for an engineering seat in an unknown college I got back innumerable friends and loads of good times.
First Year Engineering must be THE most memorable year for any of the students out here. I think all of us would agree that the Symphony during our First Year –when Parikrama had been here - was the best one we had. The best part about FE was that the college management had not divided the students according to branches. This gave us a chance to interact with people from all the branches for one whole year. This helped a lot by keeping us acquainted, even when we were separated from the second year onwards. I can remember it clearly - FE classes in the old workshop building with temperatures reaching boiling point, all students fresh HSC graduates- absolutely clueless about what engineering is going to be like and the best part was - no screams of BE COMPS BE MECH or any form of branch rivalry. We all were the same and we all became close buddies.
From Second year onwards we all got into the mould of our respective branches. Personally, I got a taste of what Computer Engineering is like. I don’t know about you guys, but I had NO clue what Computer Engineering was about when I took admission. My knowledge of hardware was restricted upto which cd-writer was the cheapest and that of software was whether the latest computer game has cheat codes or not. It was a bit tough initially. The only difference we could make out then was that instead of writing assignments about Trusses and Kirchoff’s Law, we were writing even lengthier ones about stacks and queues. On one occasion, I recall we had even written a 40 page assignment and the total submission file size had exceeded more than 200 pages! But, as we all started learning, I realized it wasn’t such a bad deal after all. The fundamentals that were taught to us then helped a lot for courses in the next year.
The Third year got us firmly entrenched in the grind. The most significant memory was the House Cup that was started by the earlier council. It was an amazing event and really helped in building the inter branch-rivalry. Most of our college placements took soon after third year and lot of people got into good companies.
The Final Year has been an altogether different engineering degree by itself. Working on the BE Project, maintaining 75% attendance, completing journals, appearing for vivas, giving other competitive exams and the actual semester exam required the skill of a professional. However, all said and done, at the end of it, all of us have come through stronger. It has been the most eventful year of out engineering. The people who were unlucky earlier have got placed. We have geniuses who got calls from the IIMs, those applying for Masters degrees abroad have got admits from superb universities.
I think all of us can be sure of becoming fabulous managers after going through the past 4 years. We might not have sharpened our technical skills yet, but we definitely come up champions in time management. I think we can safely claim that engineers are the absolute masters of handling stress and work overload. If not in our technical aptitude as compared to the IITs, we can easily beat them in task execution capabilities! Now whether these qualities are inculcated in us by educational institutes intentionally or not is a different issue altogether!
It is a funny system – submission files over which you have toiled hard every semester getting holes punched right through them as soon as you give them, revaluation results declaring you have passed sometimes coming after you have given the KT exam. I don’t know whether it is BECAUSE of the system or INSPITE of the system, but the reality is that each and every one of us today has a bright future lined up for us. And it is after all due to our own - K.J Somaiya College of Engineering. I am indeed grateful to every person here involved in the process of making us into engineers. However, lets face it. Life begins on the day we step out, graduating from this college. What we had till now was a protected environment. Our biggest nightmare till now was something like not getting our certification in time. Now, bigger challenges lie ahead in life. But because of the last 4 years, this time, we know one thing for sure - we can handle anything that comes our way. Thank you very much.
I am really glad i got this chance to express my views yesterday. It was a wonderful farewell with all the final year engineering students venting out their frustrations at the system yet rekindling fond memories. I will always remember these 4 years throughout my life. am sure same is the case with everyone who was with me in college.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
A thought has been occupying my mind for quite some time lately..
Its related to the fact that me alongwith hundreds of my friends in Mumbai University across several colleges are gonna graduate in about a month
People keep saying that we are really going to miss all the things we went through and experienced in engineering..
I hear Somaiya-ites from my college K.J Somaiya College of Engineering echoing this sentiment all the time these days..
The thought is captured fabulously in this blog by an ex-student..
And i wonder..
Are these the feelings that we really have? Are we really missing the submissions, the boring lectures, the tyrannical attendance regulations, and the constant pressure to perform in the exams?
Didnt think so!
So the memories we carry from the past 4 years are more likely going to be in the category of- canteen lukkhagiri, bunking, proxies.. you get the idea..
But even so i doubt these are the reasons we are bound to get teary eyed for..later on..
These are simply symbolic..for our lives till we graduate..
An existence completely sheltered from the big bad world where competition is lurking at every step of the way.. in your career and in your life ..
Never do we get to come back to this protected environment, and hence we will always remember this phase of our life with fondness
Its related to the fact that me alongwith hundreds of my friends in Mumbai University across several colleges are gonna graduate in about a month
People keep saying that we are really going to miss all the things we went through and experienced in engineering..
I hear Somaiya-ites from my college K.J Somaiya College of Engineering echoing this sentiment all the time these days..
The thought is captured fabulously in this blog by an ex-student..
And i wonder..
Are these the feelings that we really have? Are we really missing the submissions, the boring lectures, the tyrannical attendance regulations, and the constant pressure to perform in the exams?
Didnt think so!
So the memories we carry from the past 4 years are more likely going to be in the category of- canteen lukkhagiri, bunking, proxies.. you get the idea..
But even so i doubt these are the reasons we are bound to get teary eyed for..later on..
These are simply symbolic..for our lives till we graduate..
An existence completely sheltered from the big bad world where competition is lurking at every step of the way.. in your career and in your life ..
Never do we get to come back to this protected environment, and hence we will always remember this phase of our life with fondness
Friday, April 14, 2006
Pretentious education

Man am i angry.
Been hearing a lot of bullcrap over students protesting over reservations in IIMs and IITs..
Now if you have wandered over here wondering whether this is another ranting blog over the stupid reservation system and how the upper castes should have their own reservations instead..BUZZ OFFF!!
My point is this..for all those who are suddenly in a state of uproar over the "proposed" hike in percentage of seats reserved for OBC students in the IIMs and IITs -
"Where the #$%@ were you when these reservations were conducted for professional colleges?!?!"
And some of these so called angry rebels are the losers who have a chance of getting into an IIM/IIT as much chance there is of Mohammad Kaif hitting a century on current form.
Were u dozing in your pathetic rocking chair when similar reservations were announced for the engineering and medical colleges?
When you were affected, you were too busy trying to squirm into the 0.003% of the seats that were left for the open category after the Gujrathi/Kutchi/Sindhi/Malyali/Air Force/Kashmiri/Chemist/Watchman/Dhobi quotas that were drawn.
Why should these reservations be any more important?
No yaar, these are our country's pride..the premier institutions of our country..the last bastion of our education system which has been corrupted by reservations and populist policies.
Hmm.. so its ok for "premier" institutes not to allow people from a backward background to come into their campus while the thousands of universities in the rest of the country struggle with under-qualified professors, undeserving students and churn out substandard graduates so that the IIMS and IITs can be glorified?
This simply stinks of double standard shit and i am sick of it
Firstly, we introduce reservations for the lesser priveleged backward classes in colleges starting from grade 11 right upto final year engineering and medical streams. When the entire system becomes extremely competitive, resulting from millions of aspirants trying to get into their desired college, we do not even raise a squeal of protest.
Depressed students committing suicides..parents worried sick over their child not being able to attend "the good college with the decent people in our neighbourhood only"..but we dont say a word.
Maybe only crib about it in weddings..social circles - "the country is going to the dogs because of this Mandal Commission Report and reservations, i tell you"
But raise a voice against it?
Write letters against it?
Wear black arm bands about it?
Write emails..make petitions about it?
No thank you. We prefer to silently suffer, accept all this as government policy, at the most protest in the most mediocre way possible by giving your vote to the more forward looking party of the two.
Now, when the time comes to announce a proposal for increasing reservations for the countrys premier institutes....noooo how can they do this!!
This is absolutely outrageous...50% seats reserved!!!
Brotha, this doesnt matter about 50% or not.
You accepted reservations meted out to you like a lamb when you were in the same situation.You not only accepted it, you got admission through this hypocritical process, completed your education,forgot about raising the issue for others and are concerned about this reservation since it might concern you.
But when the same case is repeated for the hyped institutes where u barely have a chance of getting in, nooo..u will go ballistic..."this is downright unfairrr!!!"
Either accept the reservation system uniformly or do away with it altogether..
And try not to ignore the broader system
Wonder when i will hear about the administration and people, both more concerned about the millions of unlucky souls suffering in hell-holes called professional colleges than a batch of around six hundred people getting paypackets of 50 lakh rupees per year.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
La..la..la ..LAAA

"If music be the food of life-play on"
I dont know to which person this line is credited, but it sure captures the true value of the emotions a simple word called "music" can conjure up in our minds
I heard somewhere that music is not the aim but the means to a higher sense of satisfaction. After listening to a seemingly incomprehensible fabulously captivating rendition yet of Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra(the guys that were the S part of the memorable S&M collaboration with Metallica or Beethoven's 9th, i can finally grasp what this could mean.
What is it about a melody that enchants us, whisks us to a place only our mind can create?
We simply need to look at the astonishing variety of music enjoyed by people all over the world to realize that it could be the single uniting element within all of us.
If there is one aspect which is truly void of gender,race,caste or creed it has to be music.
There really is no explanation why i am fascinated with an Arabic song i happen to hear or why a German could find the vocals of M.S Subbalakshmi mesmerizing.
The only answer i can come up with is the thought i offer in the beginning of this post- it is a medium ,not an end by itself.A communication ,with a higher entity,perhaps.
Rock,Pop,Classical,Country,Hindustani,Carnatic,Gospel,Hiphop,Jazz,Ballad etc etc..the genres might be exceeding a 100 but they all serve the same purpose. To reunite us, to connect all us through a common experience to a bliss like no other
Monday, March 06, 2006
Quality films
On watching a ceremony as magnificient as the Oscar awards, one can seldom do anything else other than wonder in awe.And i don't mean awe because of the majestic sets or the fancy lights or even the gorgeous women(well that does help a bit!)
The reason for this feeling of wonder and fascination is this -
How does an industry churn out films of such high quality year after year, ceaselessly, in the process ensuring the entire world's attention is drawn to them-in respect and amazement?
The sweeping range of emotions and stories told on the Hollywood screens is something our movies can only dream to portray.So why do Hollywood film makers decide to risk millions of dollars to make a film that does not exactly appeal to the mainstream( e.g "Sideways" or even this years "Capote" for that matter)
I can only assume but my conjecture is that Western audiences have reached such a level of maturity that they can see through films like The Rock or The Hulk or Pearl Harbour and identify and avoid them for their terrible cliches,hackneyed script and
over the top(by their standards) acting
Forget Hollywood. Take world cinema. Why would independant film makers from Serbia(No Man's Land) and Rwanda(Hotel Rwanda, God sleeps in Rwanda) risk the same with thier shoe-string budget?
It just shows that the world is ready for experimental cinema contributed by all countries. If only the Johar's and the Ram Gopal Verma's and the Chopra's would step out of their stereotyped views about Indian sensibilities and greed for the NRI crowd yearning for Indian Sanskar.
And in case they present the argument that Indian people just want to see fantasy, well, the rest of the world is surely welcoming you with their willingness to give Indian cinema a shot. If you overlook the need for only Indian people to watch your films, you open your minds to a far wider and tolerant audience.
The reason for this feeling of wonder and fascination is this -
How does an industry churn out films of such high quality year after year, ceaselessly, in the process ensuring the entire world's attention is drawn to them-in respect and amazement?
The sweeping range of emotions and stories told on the Hollywood screens is something our movies can only dream to portray.So why do Hollywood film makers decide to risk millions of dollars to make a film that does not exactly appeal to the mainstream( e.g "Sideways" or even this years "Capote" for that matter)
I can only assume but my conjecture is that Western audiences have reached such a level of maturity that they can see through films like The Rock or The Hulk or Pearl Harbour and identify and avoid them for their terrible cliches,hackneyed script and
over the top(by their standards) acting
Forget Hollywood. Take world cinema. Why would independant film makers from Serbia(No Man's Land) and Rwanda(Hotel Rwanda, God sleeps in Rwanda) risk the same with thier shoe-string budget?
It just shows that the world is ready for experimental cinema contributed by all countries. If only the Johar's and the Ram Gopal Verma's and the Chopra's would step out of their stereotyped views about Indian sensibilities and greed for the NRI crowd yearning for Indian Sanskar.
And in case they present the argument that Indian people just want to see fantasy, well, the rest of the world is surely welcoming you with their willingness to give Indian cinema a shot. If you overlook the need for only Indian people to watch your films, you open your minds to a far wider and tolerant audience.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Keeping in touch...
What does someone say to his friends when he graduates/migrates/shifts from his former location?
"I will keep in touch. Dont worry"
But how much of that actually does happen in reality?
Close to nil, wouldnt you agree?
Social networking sites like orkut are great to keep in touch though
If there is one good website i have recently found online its www.orkut.com
The feeling of panic especially increases as graduation time comes nearer and u realise most of the people in your life right now wouldnt be there in about 6 months
That is one SCARY thought!
"I will keep in touch. Dont worry"
But how much of that actually does happen in reality?
Close to nil, wouldnt you agree?
Social networking sites like orkut are great to keep in touch though
If there is one good website i have recently found online its www.orkut.com
The feeling of panic especially increases as graduation time comes nearer and u realise most of the people in your life right now wouldnt be there in about 6 months
That is one SCARY thought!
Monday, February 20, 2006
The disillusioned soul gets a 60%
Huraah..more cause for celebration
More power to mugging up meaningless facts
even more marks to undeserving idiots who do so with clinical precision!
Huraah..more cause for celebration
More power to mugging up meaningless facts
even more marks to undeserving idiots who do so with clinical precision!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Interesting Random Blog
I am a great believer of the KISS philosophy.
Now before you start hooting and whistling KISS or Keep It Simple, Stupid applies to any form of communication-be it writing a manual, a graphical user interface for a new software, a pamphlet, an announcement or even a post!
I think The British Council even has a group dedicated to promoting the use of simple English language amongst people. I think its message is needs to be spread especially in a country with a colonial mindest like India. Ever read college/university notices with the "HEREBY INFORMED" and the ultra-formal style of writing of office people? I think you will agree with me then.
The reason for me writing this is reading an interesting article from a random blog and with which i agree with completely- pontificate
It is absolutely impossible for men of ordinary intelligence to make up their minds to write as they think; they resent the idea of their work looking too simple. it would always be of some value, however, if they would only go honestly to work and in a simple way express the few and ordinary ideas they have really thought. But instead they try to appear to have thought much more deeply than is the case. the result is, they put what they have to say into forced and involved language, create new words and prolix periods which go round the thought and cover it up. They hesitate between the two attempts of communicating the thought and of concealing it. They want to make it look grand so that it has the appearance of being learned and profound, thereby giving one the idea that there is mych more in it than once perceives at the moment.
Now before you start hooting and whistling KISS or Keep It Simple, Stupid applies to any form of communication-be it writing a manual, a graphical user interface for a new software, a pamphlet, an announcement or even a post!
I think The British Council even has a group dedicated to promoting the use of simple English language amongst people. I think its message is needs to be spread especially in a country with a colonial mindest like India. Ever read college/university notices with the "HEREBY INFORMED" and the ultra-formal style of writing of office people? I think you will agree with me then.
The reason for me writing this is reading an interesting article from a random blog and with which i agree with completely- pontificate
It is absolutely impossible for men of ordinary intelligence to make up their minds to write as they think; they resent the idea of their work looking too simple. it would always be of some value, however, if they would only go honestly to work and in a simple way express the few and ordinary ideas they have really thought. But instead they try to appear to have thought much more deeply than is the case. the result is, they put what they have to say into forced and involved language, create new words and prolix periods which go round the thought and cover it up. They hesitate between the two attempts of communicating the thought and of concealing it. They want to make it look grand so that it has the appearance of being learned and profound, thereby giving one the idea that there is mych more in it than once perceives at the moment.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
The good things in life
The good things in life
LG-Life's Good. Starting off with a corny one liner made famous by a brand,let me list some of the things that make life worth living.
We all read those tacky slogans made up by Archies and Hallmark copywriters who have nothing better to do than to make conjure up the sappiest image of life,package it and sell it to teens thirsty for such products.
Though I have to admit, sometimes they prove quite handy
(example-When u have forgotten a special occasion and have to make up to a)Your Girlfriend b)your parents c)Your friends)
We all know how good these things are and their potency somehow multiplies exponentially when coupled with a box or two of heart shaped chocolates
But coming back to the topic. What are some of the things that are enjoyed by almost all the people in the world and can never be replaced by any amount of marketing or brainwashing?
This list follows in random order. These are just a few things on the top of my mind. More to come later maybe!
1. A super cool amount of sleep
Ahh..the bliss..the simple pleasures of life. I dont think i could have spent one half of my life more in a more satisfying way!
You come home dead tired after:
A) A hardass day with your boss/teacher/proj guide making you toil,toil and oh wait-toil some more to leave u drained and exhausted. Whats the solution?SLEEP
B) A crazyy rocking time at the club/party/hanging out with pals at the local katta. Whatcha gonna do when u are home? SLEEP
C) How about a a heavy dose of studying all night for during study leave-Nothing like a good satisfying amount of sleep..B-E-autiful
D) How about sleeping just for kicks! Nothing as good as that either..wonderful
2. A random memory recall of you chilling out with friends
You could be anywhere in the world,at any stage in your career but a memory from the past just gets you fired up for any amount of challenges u might face in the day.
A friend playing a prank, a common joke, a secret, a recollection of incidents occurring on those trips you used to make(almost always at the last moment and always haphazardly-hey whats the fun without the adventure element,right?), those times when u had fought with friends over something as pointless as who gets to bat first or maybe the first time u confessed something really important to your buddy..I wish we had some kinda technology to capture these moments forever in time..no PDA, handycam, digicam is ever gonna help me out on this one!
3. Your first love
Although this might be the only one amongst this list that is used by greeting card companies,somehow those big corporations.. they really dont strike the right chord now, do they?
What is it about the first time you fall in love that makes it so cool?
With a total disregard to feminists I take the liberty of writing this paragraph from the male point of view-females are requested to replace terms appropriately as and when required.
It could be anything from the first time you see the person to maybe the last time you see her(not necessarily though)
What could it be-that first glance,the first time you talk,the excitement you experience when you get the her number for the first time, your heart beating madly when u call up?
Or could be the stage after that- when you really start to know the person,and i dont mean likes-dislikes. I mean the point where you start CONNECTING.
A stage where you can read her mind, anticipate what she is gonna say and catch her words before she can say them-bringing that amazing smile on her face, both entwined in each others worlds..too caught up to notice the world around you.
Personally..sure the thrill is unbeatable, but give me that sense of closeness and bonding that follows any day, week or month of the year!
And the disagreements, the arguments..well?
I dont believe anyone ever remembers the fights that take place..they seem so important at that time but are reduced to indistinguishable remains in our memory.
4. The first appreciation of YOU
Self-respect and a healthy image of oneself is important, but a lil dose of encouragement or appreciation from a peers or elders never hurt anyone.
(Though some people feed and live on that...no harm in taking in some from time to time)
Look back, when was your moment in life. Absolutely no one but YOU held centerstage. All eyes on you. Or maybe the attention of someone you had really been trying to please.
Your first drawing, the first time you scored in something(maybe without expecting it!) or maybe you did something that made your folks feel really proud
I wish these moments repeat more often, but maybe they would lose their value then.
5.Unexpected Luck
A coin lying on the floor
A song you were thinking about..humming along..and bam..it starts playing on the radio
Finding out who the hell was that song by anyway when the RJ announces it
That moment when you find the cd u have been searching high n low for in the store
A friend comes n tells you heres your X amt of rs you lent him last week
Contests! You end up winning something as bad from a crap slogan t-shirt to a jackpot on a game show
Aapke foreign waale uncle brings home stuff that u had only just read about and were kicking yourself silly for not staying abroad
You come home to the wonderful aroma of your fav thing to eat(Maa ke haath ka gajar halwaa, anyone?)
After having given up all hope and switching off your TV, you grumble about and switch on the match after 1 hr to find Yuvi and Kaif leading India to a historic win!
Exams postponed!
Your friends calls u up and screams SCHOLARRR..and bugs you about how good an actor you are to pretend you are gonna flunk when you have got a first class in the results that have just been put up
That book you thought u lost somewhere turns up under your bed
A long lost buddy calls you up
Your girl surprises you by landing up in the most unexpected way somewhere u least expected!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!- ALLLLL THE people u know land up at your place to give u the best bday party in your life
Random good things
Smell of freshly baked bread
Doing a "rockbottom" on a pile of freshly laundered clothes
A friends pet actually liking you from the first instant he sees you
Lotsa mails in your inbox-none of them forwards!
Holding a baby for the first time in your arms
Sorting through childhood photos, smiling at how hard you were trying to look cool and how goofy you actually turned out looking
Screaming with thousands of supporters at the stadium-knowing that they too are connected to the same adrenaline rush
Finally killing the bad guy in that darned video game
Trekking in the hills,birds chirping in the forest all around you,realising that the uncomfortable train journey with was really worth all the trouble
Coming to know someone(worthwhile) secretly admires you!
Enjoying a re-reun of an old movie. Saying the funny lines along with the actors on screen.
Dreaming about more good things in life with a stupid grin on your face
Interesting take on BLACK
Read the ENTIRE article
Bear in mind this man himself is a very gifted film maker as well
Somehow i couldnt help agreeing with him
I am not doing so in order to differ from the entire crowd's opinions but i do believe the man has got a point
It is a nice film, but maybe it is a bit overdone in terms of the melodrama
Could have done with a bit of subtlety
Raising quite a storm..
Now lemme sit back and watch the villagers pound on my door with torches and pitchforks..
Read the ENTIRE article
Bear in mind this man himself is a very gifted film maker as well
Somehow i couldnt help agreeing with him
I am not doing so in order to differ from the entire crowd's opinions but i do believe the man has got a point
It is a nice film, but maybe it is a bit overdone in terms of the melodrama
Could have done with a bit of subtlety
Raising quite a storm..
Now lemme sit back and watch the villagers pound on my door with torches and pitchforks..
Hollywood Stereotypes
Some Hollywood movie stereotypes
1.When a character is shot in the head, the bullet will impact the victim precisely between the eyes, and a trickle of blood will indicate that it is, indeed, a bullet wound.
2.To show he is grizzled or cynical, a character will walk toward the camera as an explosion happens in the background. He doesn't flinch while everyone in the background runs and screams.
3.In movies, whenever a person asks a pianist whether he or she knows a tune, the answer is always a nod, followed immediately by the opening notes.
4.This is any aspect of a film that foreshadows future films by the same actor or director. In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," Ang Lee named the sword the "Green Destiny" and went on to direct "Hulk." In Christopher Nolan's "Following," there's a Batman sticker on a front door. Nolan, of course, went on to direct "Batman Begins." Willem Dafoe thinks he's Jesus Christ in "Platoon" and then played Jesus in "The Last Temptation of Christ."
5.When a female character has something of direct use to the plot in her purse (gun, real ID, pills), she will either put her purse down on the ground and leave it wide open so another character can look inside, or she'll drop it and the one thing she doesn't want anyone to see will spill out. It's a tactic seen in numerous noir films.
6.Whenever a movie character tries to (a) escape from prison or (b) access an impregnable fortress, once he reaches its perimeter, two guards, each one leading one menacing dog, will walk past him side by side without noticing him.
7.When a character has a photograph of a location he is searching for, the camera will cut to a close-up of the photo being held in his hand. The photo will then drop away, revealing the location the character is looking for, at exactly the same angle the photo was shot from. Corollary: If a person is in the photo but not in the scene, their absence is a plot point.
8.When two characters struggle for a gun, one shot will go off. Then nobody moves for a few seconds, and we can't tell which one got shot. Finally, one character dramatically drops dead.
9. Whenever there is a closeup of a digital clock, the shot always shows it at the exact moment when the minute is changing.
10.When unsuspecting victims are flattened by a speeding truck, the scene is always the same: Filmed from the side at a 90-degree angle to the street, so the truck runs directly across the screen from one side to the other; the person just stands there and gets wiped out. Why didn't the victim see or hear the truck coming, and why didn't the driver see the victim? This is related to the Helicopter on Mute Syndrome, in which a helicopter suddenly appears in the scene, totally unseen and unheard until it is right on top of the hero.
11.When it's two-to-a-room in a college dorm, it's highly likely that the protagonist's roommate will be a punk rocker/goth and almost certain that the roomie will have sex with someone in their bed while the protagonist tries to do homework.
12.Whenever an object or person is thrown through a glass window in a movie, it invariably shatters into vicious shards. Even in the future, safety glass is not used (see "Minority Report").
13.All Asian people know karate. All Latin people dance salsa. Any Russian character is related to some ex-KGB agent now working for the new Russian Mafia.
1.When a character is shot in the head, the bullet will impact the victim precisely between the eyes, and a trickle of blood will indicate that it is, indeed, a bullet wound.
2.To show he is grizzled or cynical, a character will walk toward the camera as an explosion happens in the background. He doesn't flinch while everyone in the background runs and screams.
3.In movies, whenever a person asks a pianist whether he or she knows a tune, the answer is always a nod, followed immediately by the opening notes.
4.This is any aspect of a film that foreshadows future films by the same actor or director. In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," Ang Lee named the sword the "Green Destiny" and went on to direct "Hulk." In Christopher Nolan's "Following," there's a Batman sticker on a front door. Nolan, of course, went on to direct "Batman Begins." Willem Dafoe thinks he's Jesus Christ in "Platoon" and then played Jesus in "The Last Temptation of Christ."
5.When a female character has something of direct use to the plot in her purse (gun, real ID, pills), she will either put her purse down on the ground and leave it wide open so another character can look inside, or she'll drop it and the one thing she doesn't want anyone to see will spill out. It's a tactic seen in numerous noir films.
6.Whenever a movie character tries to (a) escape from prison or (b) access an impregnable fortress, once he reaches its perimeter, two guards, each one leading one menacing dog, will walk past him side by side without noticing him.
7.When a character has a photograph of a location he is searching for, the camera will cut to a close-up of the photo being held in his hand. The photo will then drop away, revealing the location the character is looking for, at exactly the same angle the photo was shot from. Corollary: If a person is in the photo but not in the scene, their absence is a plot point.
8.When two characters struggle for a gun, one shot will go off. Then nobody moves for a few seconds, and we can't tell which one got shot. Finally, one character dramatically drops dead.
9. Whenever there is a closeup of a digital clock, the shot always shows it at the exact moment when the minute is changing.
10.When unsuspecting victims are flattened by a speeding truck, the scene is always the same: Filmed from the side at a 90-degree angle to the street, so the truck runs directly across the screen from one side to the other; the person just stands there and gets wiped out. Why didn't the victim see or hear the truck coming, and why didn't the driver see the victim? This is related to the Helicopter on Mute Syndrome, in which a helicopter suddenly appears in the scene, totally unseen and unheard until it is right on top of the hero.
11.When it's two-to-a-room in a college dorm, it's highly likely that the protagonist's roommate will be a punk rocker/goth and almost certain that the roomie will have sex with someone in their bed while the protagonist tries to do homework.
12.Whenever an object or person is thrown through a glass window in a movie, it invariably shatters into vicious shards. Even in the future, safety glass is not used (see "Minority Report").
13.All Asian people know karate. All Latin people dance salsa. Any Russian character is related to some ex-KGB agent now working for the new Russian Mafia.
Quite ironic i start this topic 2 days before the 7th semester exams get underway
But i cant help letting out the frustrations every1 including me have been feeling for the past few days
Maybe its a feeling all u guys already have...maybe its a feeling some of you might realise when u get till 7th sem...maybe the lucky ones will never feel it at all..
The mood that i am in..has a variety of emotions responsible for it..but can be summed up in a single word..the name of the topic- Disillusioned
What am i disillusioned with?
The last 4 years
Look back..think about it..what have u gained by having a Bachelor's degree education from the "prestigious" Mumbai University?
I am gonna have a piece of paper that says Bachelor of Computer Engineering to justify me sitting for hundreds of lectures forcibly..copying assignments blindly and mugging up for exams and writing BS on the answer paper
Have i gained any knowledge? Zero
Have i learnt any valuable lesson? None
Do i have mastery over any single field? Nope
Am i happy with the deal that i have? duh..u dont need to think abt this if im posting this
Can i do diddly-squat about it? Fat Chance
That is what the dissatisfaction is about..queuing up in those looooong VJTI lines.waiting anxiously for some possibility of a good seat being available..feeling happy about the fact that i got a Somaiya Comps seat(albeit a paid one)..all those thoughts are just coming back to me..and they hold special significance when i have supposedly got what i had wanted at that time..
What sort of a system do we have anyway?
The frustration is that when a rookie pass out from 12th decides to take up engg..with ideals brimming up in his mind..that he is gonna get a sound education..after all he is paying nearly 2 lakhs for it..little does he know..or little is he warned about wat a raw deal he is getting..
I dont regret taking up engineering..i think it was a wise move
I dont think a degree from Mumbai Univ has spoilt my future as well
All i am mad about is the deal i have been given..all in all..its a contract..i pay them 2 lakhs..and they r supposed to give me a fair return
Can any of u guys say u have got that?
1.Professors barely able to talk english
2.Lab assistants having more knowledge than teachers
3.Profs taking out khunnas by making us write more n more assignments
4.Prof KNOWING well enough that no 1 is even bothered to write their own assignments..
5.Paying 50k per year only to find out u cant sit on the PCs with net connection..oh no..not even for ur BE project..coz lab timings are well from 1pm to 1 friggin 30 pm
6.Mindless ratofying of concepts throughout 4 years..no idea where these will be used
how can they expect us to remember that for the rest of our lives..what good is gonna come off it?
I guess this ranting is going on far enough..il do some cribbing later on..
Any feedback from u guys?
Solutions in sight?
But i cant help letting out the frustrations every1 including me have been feeling for the past few days
Maybe its a feeling all u guys already have...maybe its a feeling some of you might realise when u get till 7th sem...maybe the lucky ones will never feel it at all..
The mood that i am in..has a variety of emotions responsible for it..but can be summed up in a single word..the name of the topic- Disillusioned
What am i disillusioned with?
The last 4 years
Look back..think about it..what have u gained by having a Bachelor's degree education from the "prestigious" Mumbai University?
I am gonna have a piece of paper that says Bachelor of Computer Engineering to justify me sitting for hundreds of lectures forcibly..copying assignments blindly and mugging up for exams and writing BS on the answer paper
Have i gained any knowledge? Zero
Have i learnt any valuable lesson? None
Do i have mastery over any single field? Nope
Am i happy with the deal that i have? duh..u dont need to think abt this if im posting this
Can i do diddly-squat about it? Fat Chance
That is what the dissatisfaction is about..queuing up in those looooong VJTI lines.waiting anxiously for some possibility of a good seat being available..feeling happy about the fact that i got a Somaiya Comps seat(albeit a paid one)..all those thoughts are just coming back to me..and they hold special significance when i have supposedly got what i had wanted at that time..
What sort of a system do we have anyway?
The frustration is that when a rookie pass out from 12th decides to take up engg..with ideals brimming up in his mind..that he is gonna get a sound education..after all he is paying nearly 2 lakhs for it..little does he know..or little is he warned about wat a raw deal he is getting..
I dont regret taking up engineering..i think it was a wise move
I dont think a degree from Mumbai Univ has spoilt my future as well
All i am mad about is the deal i have been given..all in all..its a contract..i pay them 2 lakhs..and they r supposed to give me a fair return
Can any of u guys say u have got that?
1.Professors barely able to talk english
2.Lab assistants having more knowledge than teachers
3.Profs taking out khunnas by making us write more n more assignments
4.Prof KNOWING well enough that no 1 is even bothered to write their own assignments..
5.Paying 50k per year only to find out u cant sit on the PCs with net connection..oh no..not even for ur BE project..coz lab timings are well from 1pm to 1 friggin 30 pm
6.Mindless ratofying of concepts throughout 4 years..no idea where these will be used
how can they expect us to remember that for the rest of our lives..what good is gonna come off it?
I guess this ranting is going on far enough..il do some cribbing later on..
Any feedback from u guys?
Solutions in sight?
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